Tall Shrub Roses That Can Be Used Both as Bush Roses and Climbing Roses (Part 1)
Below is the basic information about the tall shrub rose varieties that can be grown either as shrubs or climbers...
4 Most Beautiful Purple Rose Varieties by the Talented Breeder Junko Kawamoto – Japan
Here is the basic information about the 4 most unique purple rose varieties by the talented breeder Junko Kawamoto –...
Roses with few thorns (almost thornless)
Hands with many scratches and scars from thorns during rose care are the inspiration for Pemdas Garden to gather a...
Things to Avoid When Roses are Weakened
I. Causes and Signs of Weakened Roses**- **Causes:** Various factors contribute to rose weakening, such as diseases, root disturbance, heat...
Why do cut roses wilt quickly in a vase?
Pemdas Garden's customers often wonder: "Even with the same variety, and the same way of arranging, cut roses from the...
Conditions for standardizing color and shape of roses
Most of us often think that temperature is the decisive factor for the shape and color of flowers, but in...
Care and fertilization for vibrant colored flowers
The color of flowers is determined in the following order: Plant health (free from diseases, adequate nutrition), sunlight, temperature. Roses...