Kinda Blue
"Kinda Blue rose Origin: Bred by Kordes, Germany before 2015, first introduced in Japan in 2015. Also known as: Tiny...
Masora Rose
"Masora rose, Origin: Cultivated by Teizo Yoshiike, introduced in Japan in 2009, Characteristics: Tall bush, average height 120-150 cm, Colors:...
Soeur Emmanuelle
Soeur Emmanuelle - The Most Plantable Climbing Rose In 2007, Soeur Emmanuelle won the award for the most captivatingly scented...
Sweet Chariot
Sweet Chariot rose, Origin: Bred by Ralph S. Moore, United States, 1984. Characteristics: Low, compact shrub. Color: Purple, pink-purple, wine...
Carey Rose
Origin: Bred by David Austin, introduced in England in 2015. Characteristics: Shrub, mature height 80-120 cm. Color: Blush pink, pink....
Compact rose varieties suitable for hanging and elevation (Part 1)
Below is basic information about 4 compact shrub rose varieties suitable for hanging or elevated display:1. Sweet Chariot Rose, -...
Rose varieties with changing colors, blending colors to plant (Part 1)
Below is basic information about rose varieties with changing or blending colors that you may want to consider planting. 1....