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Common Mistakes in Watering Rose Plants
1. Heavy rain at night but no morning leaf wash. - Rainwater carries numerous nutrients for the plants, but it also brings along many bacteria. If you don't water the leaves the morning after heavy rain for an extended period, the lingering bacteria on the leaves can attack the plant and cause fungal diseases.
2. Never watering the leaves. - The primary function of leaves is photosynthesis to synthesize nutrients for the plant. Without watering the leaves, dust, bacteria, insects, and pests may accumulate, affecting the plant's photosynthetic capacity and leading to various diseases.
3. Watering plants in the midday sun. - The soil temperature is at its highest during this time. If you water the plant, the sudden cooling of the heated soil in high air temperatures can shock the plant, leading to weakening and death. - Watering during midday sun, if not absorbed quickly, can result in water droplets remaining on the leaves, absorbing heat radiation and making the leaves prone to burning. The water inside the pot will absorb heat and become hotter than the outside. At this point, the plant's roots will have to endure this increased heat.
4. Surface watering without soaking the entire pot. - Plant roots extend deep beneath the pot's surface. If you water insufficiently (until water flows out from the bottom of the pot), it means the roots have not absorbed enough water, directly affecting the plant's water supply.
5. Watering on leaves in the evening. - Water remaining on leaves and stems, combined with high humidity in the evening, creates favorable conditions for various fungal diseases to thrive.
6. Watering when the soil is still damp, and the surface soil has not dried. - We often have the habit of watering plants daily, but this is a serious mistake. We should only provide water when the plant needs it. The plant's water needs will manifest outwardly, and for potted plants, the most visible sign is the surface soil drying out. Watering the plant when it doesn't need it can lead to excess water, directly affecting the development of the plant's roots, which is extremely dangerous.
Some practices may not be suitable for extreme climate conditions such as intense sunlight and sudden heavy rains or stormy days. During plant care, it is essential to monitor and adjust to better fit the climate conditions of each region.
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