These are the finest roses in Pemdas Garden, bringing together the most outstanding qualities that people expect from a rose: Special colors, long-lasting blooms, a consistent form in various climates, including the unpredictable weather of the South, and most importantly, an intense and alluring fragrance.
**1. Jeanne Moreau Rose:**
- Origin: Bred by Meilland International before 2000 and introduced in France in 2005.
- Characteristics: Bushy, matures to a height of 120-150 cm.
- Color: White, creamy white.
- Flower Size: 10-12 cm, lasting 6-8 days.
- Fragrance: Citrusy scent, sweet lemongrass aroma.
- Blooms: Throughout the year, 3-4 weeks.
- Disease Resistance: Excellent.
**2. Yves Neo Cherry Shallow Rose:**
- Origin: Bred by Imai in Hiroshima, Japan, and introduced in 2015.
- Characteristics: Bushy, matures to a height of 120-160 cm.
- Color: Pink, White with pink center, Pale pink with deep pink center.
- Flower Size: 7-10 cm, lasting 7-10 days.
- Fragrance: Strong fruity scent, a mix of strawberry and sweet milk.
- Blooms: Throughout the year, 4-5 weeks.
- Disease Resistance: Good.
**3. Chatreuse de Parme Rose:**
- Origin: Bred by G. Delbard, France, and introduced in France in 1996.
- Characteristics: Bushy, matures to a height of 120-150 cm.
- Color: Pinkish purple, pink.
- Flower Size: 8-13 cm, lasting 5-8 days.
- Fragrance: A blend of orange and citrus with hints of orchid, lavender, and mango, and peach.
- Blooms: Throughout the year, 5-6 weeks.
- Disease Resistance: Good.
- Note: During the rainy season, the plant can develop black stems, but regular fungal prevention ensures healthy growth.
**4. Jeanne d’Arc Rose:**
- Origin: Bred by Jan Spek Rosen, Netherlands, and introduced in 2006.
- Characteristics: Bushy with sturdy branches, matures to a height of 80-120 cm.
- Color: Deep yellow, apricot.
- Flower Size: 7-10 cm, lasting 7-10 days.
- Fragrance: Fruity scent, peach, and strong blueberry.
- Blooms: Throughout the year, 4-5 weeks.
- Disease Resistance: Normal.
- Note: The yellow color attracts aphids, but with proper aphid control, the plant thrives.
Thank you to our valued customers for always following and supporting Pemdas Garden. We wish you find the perfect flowers to enhance your gardens.