6 varieties of pink-purple shrub roses to plant

6 varieties of pink-purple shrub roses to plant
Below is basic information about 6 pink-purple shrub rose varieties to plant. In the comments, Pemdas Garden will add images and some stories about the roses. If you want to know more information about the plants, please message Pemdas Garden. Thank you.
Chartreuse de Parme rose
- Origin: Bred by G. Delbard, France, and introduced in France in 1996.
- Characteristics: Shrub form, mature height 120-150 cm.
- Color: Pink-purple, pink.
- Bloom size: 8-13 cm, lasts 5-8 days.
- Fragrance: A blend of orange, tangerine, hyacinth, lilac, mango, and lychee scents.
- Bloom cycle: Year-round, every 5-6 weeks.
- Disease resistance: Good.
- Notes: Susceptible to stem blackening during the rainy season, regular antifungal treatment needed for healthy growth.
Purple ice cream rose (Purple soul perfume rose)
- Origin: Bred in Japan, first introduced in 2012.
- Characteristics: Shrub form, mature height 100-150 cm.
- Color: Purple, pink-purple.
- Bloom size: 7-10 cm, lasts 5-8 days.
- Fragrance: Lemon and apple scents.
- Bloom cycle: Year-round, every 4-5 weeks.
- Disease resistance: Good.
- Notes: Has many thorns, branches grow obliquely and spread outward.
Claude Brasseur rose
- Origin: Bred by Meilland, France in 2006, first introduced in France in 2007.
- Characteristics: Shrub form, mature height 100-150 cm.
- Color: Pink-purple, pink.
- Bloom size: 8-12 cm, lasts 6-8 days.
- Fragrance: Fresh lemon, orange, cherry, and blueberry scents.
- Bloom cycle: Year-round, every 4-5 weeks.
- Disease resistance: Good.
- Notes: The stems have many thorns
Odysseia rose
- Origin: Bred by Takunori Kimura, Japan, introduced in 2013.
- Characteristics: Tall shrub form, mature height 150-180 cm.
- Color: Pink-purple, purple, pink, red-purple, red-pink.
- Bloom size: 7-10 cm, lasts 5-8 days, often blooms in large clusters.
- Fragrance: Strong myrrh, lemongrass, lavender scents.
- Bloom cycle: Year-round, every 4-5 weeks.
- Disease resistance: Very good.
Prince of Persia rose
- Origin: Bred by a specialized cut flower company in the Netherlands.
- Characteristics: Shrub form, mature height 120-160 cm.
- Color: Pink-purple, pink.
- Bloom size: 7-10 cm, lasts 7-10 days.
- Fragrance: Mild fruit scent.
- Bloom cycle: Year-round, every 4-5 weeks.
- Disease resistance: Very good.
Precious Moments rose
- Origin: Bred by Jan Spek Rozen Nursery, the Netherlands, first introduced in 2013.
- Characteristics: Shrub form, mature height 80-120 cm.
- Color: Pink-purple, dusty pink, pink.
- Bloom size: 6-10 cm, lasts 10-15 days.
- Fragrance: Mild fruit scent.
- Bloom cycle: Year-round, every 3-4 weeks.
- Disease resistance: Good.
- Notes: Grows slowly due to rapid bloom cycles, focuses energy on flowering.
Thank you to all our customers for your continuous support and companionship with Pemdas Garden. We wish you success in choosing the right flowers to adorn your garden.