Below is basic information about 4 yellow single-petal roses to grow. In the comments, Pemdas Garden will add pictures and some stories about the flowers. If you would like more information about the plants, please message Pemdas Garden. Thank you!
Tottering by Gently Rose
- Origin: Bred by David Austin, introduced in the UK in 2018.
- Characteristics: Shrub, mature height 120-150 cm.
- Color: Yellow.
- Flower size: 6-8 cm, lasts 3-5 days.
- Fragrance: Fruity scent. Classified among the fragrant single-petal roses.
- Bloom repeat: Year-round, every 2-3 weeks.
- Disease resistance: Very good.
Sunset Babylon Eyes Rose
- Origin: Bred by Interplant, Netherlands.
- Characteristics: Shrub, mature height 120-150 cm.
- Color: Yellow with a red center.
- Flower size: 6-8 cm, lasts 3-5 days.
- Fragrance: Mildly fragrant.
- Bloom repeat: Year-round, every 2-3 weeks.
- Disease resistance: Very good.
Mrs Oakley Fisher Rose
- Origin: Bred by Benjamin R. Cant & Sons, UK, in 1921.
- Characteristics: Shrub, mature height 120-150 cm.
- Color: Apricot yellow.
- Flower size: 7-10 cm, lasts 3-5 days.
- Fragrance: Fruity scent. Classified among the fragrant single-petal roses.
- Bloom repeat: Year-round, every 2-3 weeks.
- Disease resistance: Very good.
Eyeconic Lemonade Rose
- Origin: Bred by James A. Sproul, USA, in 2006, first introduced in the USA in 2011.
- Characteristics: Shrub, mature height over 150 cm.
- Color: Yellow with a red center.
- Flower size: 6-8 cm, lasts 3-5 days.
- Fragrance: Mildly fragrant.
- Bloom repeat: Year-round, every 2-3 weeks.
- Disease resistance: Very good.
Thank you to all our customers for your continuous support and companionship with Pemdas Garden. We wish you success in choosing the right flowers to adorn your garden.