Recommended Climbing Rose Varieties

Recommended Climbing Rose Varieties

Here is the basic information about 4 easy-to-grow climbing rose varieties.

  1. Red Eden Rose

- Origin: Hybridized by Alain Meilland, France, in 2002.

- Characteristics: Climbing, medium height 2-3m.

- Color: Red, velvety red.

- Flower Size: 7-10 cm, often blooms in large clusters.

- Fragrance: Fruity scent, with a touch of musk.

- Bloom Cycle: Throughout the year, 4-5 weeks.

- Disease Resistance: Good.


  1. Mon Coeur Rose

- Origin: Hybridized by Takunori Kimura, introduced in Japan in 2012.

- Characteristics: Climbing, medium height 1.5m - 2.5m.

- Color: Pink, rose-pink.

- Flower Size: 6-8 cm, lasting 5-8 days.

- Fragrance: Fruity aroma with a hint of musk.

- Bloom Cycle: Throughout the year, 4-5 weeks.

- Disease Resistance: Good.

- Note: Susceptible to fungal diseases during the rainy season; attention to fungal prevention is recommended.


  1. Soeur Emanuelle Rose

- Origin: Bred by Georges Delbard, France, in 2004.

- Characteristics: Climbing, medium height 2m – 3m.

- Color: Pink, salmon-pink.

- Flower Size: 8-12 cm, lasting 5-8 days.

- Fragrance: Sweet fruity scent.

- Bloom Cycle: Throughout the year, 4-5 weeks.

- Disease Resistance: Good.


  1. Don Juan Rose

- Origin: Bred by Michele Malandrone, Italy, in 1958.

- Characteristics: Climbing, medium height 2m – 3m.

- Color: Red, velvety red.

- Flower Size: 8-12 cm, lasting 7-15 days.

- Fragrance: Fragrant with notes of lemon, apple, and intense lemongrass.

- Bloom Cycle: Throughout the year, 4-5 weeks.

- Disease Resistance: Good.

- Note: As the plant ages, it may be prone to aphids; attention to aphid control is recommended.


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