5 Coffee-Colored Rose Varieties

5 Coffee-Colored Rose Varieties
Below is the basic information about 5 coffee-colored bush rose varieties. Although their color is unique, most coffee-colored roses tend to grow slowly and are susceptible to fungus during the rainy season. However, with proper fungus prevention, these bushes can thrive.
1. Coffee Latte Rose
- Origin: Hybridized by De Ruiter Innovations BV, the Netherlands in 2005.
- Characteristics: Bushy, sturdy branches, mature height 120-150 cm.
- Color: Brown, Mocha.
- Flower size: 8-14 cm, lasting 10-15 days.
- Fragrance: Slightly fragrant, with a hint of fruity scent.
- Repeat blooming: Throughout the year, 4-5 weeks.
- Disease resistance: Normal.
- Note: During the rainy season, the plant is susceptible to leaf fungus and stem black fungus, but proper fungus prevention helps the plant thrive.
2. Julia’s Rose
- Origin: Hybridized by Willem E Tysterma, UK, in 1976.
- Characteristics: Bushy, mature height 100-120 cm.
- Color: Brown, Burnt Orange.
- Flower size: 8-12 cm, lasting 4-6 days.
- Fragrance: Strong fruity fragrance, reminiscent of apricot and strawberry.
- Repeat blooming: Throughout the year, 4-5 weeks.
- Disease resistance: Normal.
- Note: During the rainy season, the plant is susceptible to leaf fungus and stem black fungus, but proper fungus prevention helps the plant thrive.
3. Koko Loko Rose
- Origin: Hybridized by Christian Bedard - Weeks Roses, USA, introduced in 2010.
- Characteristics: Bushy, mature height 100-120 cm.
- Color: Brown, Pinkish Brown.
- Flower size: 6-10 cm.
- Fragrance: Fruity fragrance, with hints of citrus and apple.
- Repeat blooming: Throughout the year, 3-4 weeks.
- Disease resistance: Good.
- Note: In hot climates, the flowers may not hold their form for long and might open up.
4. Nachuru Test (Thé Nature) Rose
- Origin: Hybridized in Japan, introduced in 2012.
- Characteristics: Bushy, mature height 120-150 cm.
- Color: Brown, Pinkish Brown.
- Flower size: 7-10 cm, lasting 10-15 days.
- Fragrance: Slightly fragrant, with a faint fruity aroma.
- Repeat blooming: Throughout the year, 4-5 weeks.
- Disease resistance: Normal.
- Note: During the rainy season, the plant is susceptible to leaf fungus and stem black fungus, but proper fungus prevention helps the plant thrive.
5. Amnesia Rose
- Origin: Hybridized by NIRP International, France, introduced in 2006.
- Characteristics: Bushy, sturdy branches, mature height 120-150 cm.
- Color: Brown, Olive Brown, Mocha.
- Flower size: 7-10 cm, lasting 7-10 days.
- Fragrance: Slightly milky fragrance.
- Repeat blooming: Throughout the year, 4-5 weeks.
- Disease resistance: Good.
- Note: The plant often produces numerous buds at once, which can lead to lower flower quality. Regular monitoring and removal of excess buds are recommended.
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